Red Ginger Spices Specialty Berbere Burger

Red Ginger Spices Specialty Burger Recipe

Jordan Melaku
Sharing a custom Burger Recipe!! Yumm
- chopped onion
- chopped garlic
- chopped mushrooms (optional)
- Authentic Ethiopian Berbere (from Red Ginger Spices)
- Ground beef of your choice (kobe recommended)
- Sauté onions and garlic in a pan with a little olive oil, medium-low heat
- cook the onions until they are translucent
- add the mushrooms and continue to saute until they are well cooked, about 7 minutes
- add 2 tablespoons of berber and saute another 10 minutes on low heat, add additional olive oil (if needed)
- top this mixture with your burgers and cook for 7 minutes, flip and cook another 7 minutes. or until your desired level
- enjoy
Red Ginger Spices Berbere Burger - cooking   Red Ginger Spices Berbere Burger - Ready to Eat

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